Can You Eat With Invisalign?

Learn how to eat with Invisalign without compromising your orthodontic treatment. Learn the do’s and don’ts, cleaning tips, and foods you can enjoy. Invisalign aligners are a popular and effective way to straighten teeth without traditional braces. They offer a discreet and comfortable solution for many orthodontic issues. However, a common concern among Invisalign users is understanding how to navigate eating and drinking while wearing these aligners. This comprehensive guide will answer the question, “Can you eat with Invisalign?”. Whether new to Invisalign or looking for tips to improve your routine, this blog has everything you need to maintain your aligners and enjoy various foods.

Drinking and Eating with Invisalign

Invisalign aligners are designed to be removed before eating or drinking anything other than water. Here’s why:
  • Protection of Aligners: Eating with your aligners can cause them to crack or stain. Hard or sticky foods can damage the plastic material, reducing their effectiveness.
  • Oral Hygiene: Food particles can get trapped between teeth and the aligners, leading to cavities and bad breath. Removing your aligners before meals helps maintain better oral hygiene.
  • Aligner Maintenance: Drinking hot or colored beverages with your aligners can warp the plastic and cause discoloration.

What Food Can We Eat on the First Day of Invisalign?

The first day wearing Invisalign can be challenging as your mouth adjusts to the new appliance. Here are some soft and easy-to-eat foods to consider:
  • Smoothies and Milkshakes are gentle on your teeth and can be packed with nutrients.
  • Yogurt: Easy to consume and soothing for any initial discomfort.
  • Mashed Potatoes: A comforting and soft option that doesn’t require much chewing.
  • Soup: Warm not hot, soups are easy to eat and filling.
  • Soft Fruits: Bananas and avocados are soft, nutritious options.

What Are Some Foods and Drinks I Can Eat After Getting Invisalign?

After the initial adjustment period, you can enjoy a wide range of foods. Here’s a list of foods and drinks you can safely consume, provided you remove your aligners first:
  • Fruits and Vegetables: Apples cut into small pieces, carrots, and leafy greens are excellent choices.
  • Proteins: Lean meats like chicken, fish, tofu, and eggs provide necessary nutrients.
  • Whole Grains: Foods like brown rice, quinoa, and whole-wheat pasta are great for a balanced diet.
  • Dairy Products: Cheese, milk, and yogurt benefit teeth and bones.
  • Water: Always safe to drink with your aligners, helping keep your mouth hydrated.

How Can You Clean Invisalign in the Best Way?

Proper cleaning of your Invisalign aligners is crucial to keep them clear and bacteria-free. Here’s how you can do it:
  • Rinse Regularly: Each time you remove your aligners, rinse them with lukewarm water to prevent saliva and plaque buildup.
  • Brush Gently: Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and clear, unscented soap to clean your aligners gently. Avoid using toothpaste, as it can be abrasive and cause scratches.
  • Soak Daily: Soak your aligners in Invisalign cleaning crystals or a denture cleaner to keep them fresh and clear. It helps remove any buildup that regular brushing might cause.

Invisalign Do’s and Don’ts

Understanding what to do and avoid while using Invisalign can help ensure effective treatment and maintain your aligners’ condition.


  • Remove Aligners Before Eating or Drinking: Always remove your aligners before consuming anything other than water.
  • Brush and Floss Regularly: Clean your teeth thoroughly before reinserting your aligners to avoid trapping food particles and bacteria.
  • Use the Case: Store your aligners in their protective case when not in use to prevent loss or damage.
  • Follow Your Orthodontist’s Instructions: Adhere to the prescribed wear schedule 20-22 hours daily for optimal results.


  • Eat or Drink with Aligners In: This can lead to staining, warping, and increased risk of cavities.
  • Use Hot Water for Cleaning: Hot water can deform the plastic material of the aligners.
  • Neglect Cleaning: Failing to clean your aligners properly can result in bad breath and dental issues.
  • Skip Wear Time: Not wearing your aligners for the recommended duration can delay treatment progress.

Can You Drink Water with Invisalign?

Yes, you can drink water with Invisalign aligners in your mouth. Water is safe and won’t damage the aligners or affect your teeth. However, avoid drinking anything else, especially hot, sugary, or acidic beverages, as these can cause damage or lead to tooth decay.

How to Eat with Invisalign?

Invisalign eating involves a few simple steps to ensure your aligners remain in good condition and your treatment stays on track:
  1. Remove Your Aligners: Before eating, always take out your aligners and store them in their case.
  2. Eat Your Meal: Enjoy your food without worrying about damaging your aligners.
  3. Brush Your Teeth: After eating, brush your teeth thoroughly to remove any food particles.
  4. Rinse and Clean Your Aligners: Give your aligners a quick rinse and gentle brush before putting them back in.
  5. Reinsert Aligners: Place your aligners back in your mouth, ensuring they fit snugly and comfortably.


No, chewing gum can stick to your aligners and potentially damage them. It’s best to avoid gum while wearing Invisalign.

Clean your aligners every time you remove them, and soak them in a cleaning solution daily to maintain clarity and hygiene.

It’s best to remove your aligners before drinking alcohol to avoid staining and damaging them. Brush your teeth before reinserting the aligners.

Wear your aligners for 20-22 hours each day for the best results. Only remove them for eating, drinking except water, and cleaning.

Remove your aligners before eating popcorn to prevent any damage or debris from getting stuck. Brush and floss your teeth before putting the aligners back in.


Navigating your dietary habits while undergoing Invisalign treatment doesn’t have to be difficult. You can enjoy various foods without compromising your treatment by adhering to the simple guidelines of removing aligners before meals, maintaining excellent oral hygiene, and following the recommended cleaning practices. Remember, the success of your Invisalign journey relies heavily on how well you care for your aligners and adhere to your orthodontist’s instructions. Doing so will ensure a smoother path to achieving a beautifully aligned smile. Always consult your orthodontist for specific concerns or personalized advice to get the best results from your Invisalign treatment.

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